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State regulations require legal authorization for post-secondary institutions to offer distance education degrees, certificates, and courses, to students who are located outside the institution's home state.

State Authorization for Online Classes/Programs

Anne Arundel Community College is an approved institutional member of the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA). Participation in NC-SARA is intended to make it easier for students to take online courses offered by postsecondary institutions based in another state. With the exception of California, all states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands are NC-SARA member states. For more information about NC-SARA, including the states currently participating in the agreement, visit AACC is offering distance education in compliance with all other states laws.

Therefore, at this time, AACC is able to accept students from all 50 states and the District of Columbia as well as the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico.


AACC is not able to offer the opportunity to participate in internships in the following state:

  • Colorado.

Learn more about internships.

Professional Licensure and Certifications

Professional licensure is a process of state or other governmental entities that establish standards of practice and give legal permission to practice a profession by providing licenses or certifications to individuals who meet those standards. Requirements for professional licensure in fields, such as accounting, education, and nursing, and many others, vary from state to state. Certain credit and noncredit programs offered by the college are designed to meet licensure or certification requirements in the state of Maryland and may not meet requirements from other states. 

If you plan to apply for licensure or certification in a state other than Maryland, please review our Professional Licensure webpage for information about your specific program of interest as well as contact information for the licensure and certification boards for programs of study that may lead to licensure or certification.

Laws regarding distance education and professional licensure requirements vary by state; consequently, compliance with state authorization and professional licensure requirements is an ongoing process and subject to change. We encourage you to contact that state's licensing board to determine whether the AACC program of study, and required courses, meet the requirements for licensure or certification in that state. Contact information for state licensing boards is available on our Professional Licensure webpage. If you need additional information regarding professional licensure or certification, please contact the academic school that is responsible for that program. 

Clinical Placements

Currently, AACC will allow clinical placements in the following states: Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia; and the District of Columbia.

Please contact Health Sciences at 410-777-7310 for more information.

Additional Information

Anne Arundel Community College is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, and approved by the Maryland Higher Education Commission.

Student complaint procedures may be found with the college policies.

*State laws regarding distance education vary by state; consequently, compliance with state authorization requirements is an ongoing process and subject to change.

Image of NC-SARA seal that says,

Anne Arundel Community College has been approved to participate in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements.

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