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The policy of the college is to protect and distribute a student’s educational records, including, but not limited to, any personally identifiable information, in accordance with the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. 

The Board of Trustees hereby authorizes the President, or his/her designee, to develop and establish appropriate procedures to implement and enforce this policy.

Policy Title: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Policy

Policy Category: Student Affairs

Policy Owner: Vice President for Learner Support Services

Policy Administrator: Registrar

Contact Information: Nanci Beier;; 410-777-2834

Approval Date: March 9, 2010

Effective Date: March 9, 2010

History: N/A

Applies to: All students

Related Policies: N/A

Related Procedures: N/A

Forms/Guidelines: N/A

Relevant Laws: N/A